Occasionally want to send packages or order something to the office?
Can't choose between different carriers?
Courier companies place orders differently and processes are constantly updated?
Sometimes you need to choose the fastest delivery, other times the cheapest solution, but there is no overview?
Have you unknowingly bought an overpriced or low-quality transport service?
All transport service providers in one place!
Services of all carriers in the selection of delivery methods!
In the selection of delivery methods, the offers of all carriers are displayed in a single definition based on deadlines: today, tomorrow, later.
Same process with all carriers!
When ordering transport services through us, the same Logistrik process works with all transport service providers.
We offer the options and you decide!
You enter the parameters of the shipment, the source and destination, Logistrik offers the options and you decide the delivery conditions, not between brands!

Offered services
The solution is free to use, start here:
Logistrik is an ecosystem connecting customers and carriers, whose main service is a dynamic and automated transport solution. With a single interface, an automated freight ordering, management and quality control solution is integrated into your or your customers' processes.
You will have at your disposal the entire network of companies providing transport services, which will grow nicely over time.
After registering the account and agreeing to the conditions, the readiness to order the transport is resolved - you only need to find the most suitable one from the selection of delivery methods each time and order the transport.
Customer always gets the most suitable delivery.
Delivery on promised terms.
Automation and dynamism ensure efficiency.
Reach everywhere with us.