Freight forwarding

We bring together customers and delivery service providers.

Freight forwarding service (or Logistrik's Public Delivery Service) refers to deliveries provided by carriers who have joined Logistrik and offer their specified delivery services to all interested parties (Logistik's users).

One account - all carriers, parcel machines and parcel points!

An increasing number of carriers are joining Logistrik, regardless of their size, country of origin, and operational areas. Activating a carrier's user account requires the carrier to define their delivery service details in Logistrik, where they must specify the "from" and "to" destination regions of their service, determine the weight categories of the shipments or the dimensions of the lockers, and set the prices for these services. The carrier sets the regions, conditions, deadlines, and the prices at which they offer delivery services through Logistrik. All configured delivery services are immediately available for you, dear Logistrik users, along with the prices and terms that the carriers themselves have set in the Logistrik.

You only need to create a Logistrik account, and you will have access to all available carriers that have already joined or will join Logistrik in the future - you get it all under one account (agreement/contract with Logistrik).

The invoice for the freight service ordered under the Public Delivery Service will be issued to you by the Logistrik representative of the respective region, who will then settle the payment with the carrier.