Shipping management

Engage, manage, and maintain an overview.

Logistrik is more than just the best provider of delivery options or a freight forwarding service - we are something much more! With a Logistrik account, you gain access to a powerful solution that gives you a clear overview of your ordered delivery services. You get a tool to manage freight distribution across different carriers, services, and channels. You have the flexibility to engage your trusted delivery partners and settle accounts with them directly. Keep track of ordered service quality, cost, and execution deadlines, and, if needed, submit claims or complaints - all within one seamless Logistrik.

Your personal carriers

Personal cooperation creates advantages in competition. The benefits mentioned are mutual between you and the carrier. Carrier gains an advantage through increased efficiency, enabling them to handle multiple shipments to different destinations into a single pickup. You benefit because, with a larger freight volume, you have the opportunity to establish individual agreements with specific carriers regarding delivery terms, deadlines, and prices, which can be significantly more favorable than the terms of Logistrik's Public Delivery Service. Often, personal cooperation with carriers develops based on previously utilized Public Services and freight rates. In any case, Logistrik allows you to conveniently organize and manage your collaboration.

Logistrik allows you to register your personal subcontractors to your Logistrik account, define their operational "from" and "to" regions, and delivery terms (which include deadlines and prices) under which they provide delivery services to you personally. All such involved subcontractor offers will be visible to your customers (or to yourself) in the Logistrik Delivery Option View alongside other offers, provided you have activated the corresponding subcontractor price lists for yourself.

Engagement of all types of resources

You can set up a carrier as a subcontractor (your personal delivery partner) even if they do not have their own system or automatic data exchange with Logistrik. For such carriers, Logistrik mediates the delivery order by e-mail, where the carrier, via a web link, is immediately given the opportunity to declare the shipment as picked up and dropped off. This creates a situation where you can designate anyone as your personal carrier - even your secretary or warehouse worker - if they have time during the workday to make one or two delivery rounds, and they participate in the supply chain as a party that is perfectly integrated with your delivery options and digital delivery reporting ecosystem!

In the case of the ordered Public delivery service, the relevant regional representative of Logistrik facilitates the service. If you have set up a subcontractor operating under a personal agreement and ordered delivery services from them, your delivery partner will invoice you directly for the services provided. Logistrik ensures the necessary data exchange and provides you with a convenient environment to monitor the ongoing execution, success, quality, and cost of all ordered shipments.