Cooperation - the basis of joint success.
Logistrik's mission is to effectively connect the customers and providers of transport services and make the movement of shipments easy. Connecting means ensuring data exchange with different parties in the delivery process and creating the required plugins, as well as involving different parties in the process and bringing them together. For example, when running an online store, in addition to ensuring the functioning of the virtual environment, you also have to deal with ordering and storing goods for sale and sending completed purchases to customers. The implementation of Logistrik gives the parties in the delivery process opportunities to grow their business, which is a form of partnership. In the second case, cooperation with Logistrik also gives its customers the opportunity to offer added value to their - actually our joint - customers through Logistrik's functionality.
Partners we wish to engage
Online store developers and agencies
Would you like to offer your customers the entire functioning delivery solution with one delivery module and reduce your daily contribution to dealing with various integrations and plugins?
Logistrik's delivery solution is the one and only one that an online store needs - with one plugin all over European delivery methods in the online store's delivery selection, and your role remains only to simply implement it in the customer's online store. Logistrik's delivery module reduces your burden in ensuring the ongoing delivery process of your online store. By familiarizing yourself with the Logistrik plugin, you will save a lot of time compared to before, and we have laid the foundation for mutually beneficial cooperation.
Contact us!
Software developers
Would you like to offer added value to customers using your software by solving the delivery issue?
Whatever software you develop: funnels, accounting software or other process software, by integrating Logistrik's delivery solution into it, you create a convenient and added value that optimizes the process. You can place the delivery module in your software and exactly where it is logical and convenient to find a carrier for the user's or customer's shipment with ease. For example, the accounting software can have a button next to each purchase or sales invoice, when you press it, Logistrik technology is applied, where your software tells us where, where and what needs to be transported; after which we return a selection of delivery methods, from which the user can choose the one that suits him, and the process of delivering the goods starts. If you are interested in the solution and cooperation, please contact us.
Region representatives
Do you think Logistrik's solution is unique and do you want to participate in its distribution and growing the organization?
Logistrik's ambition is to grow into a European enterprise, and in every country where it starts operating, it is planned to establish either a subsidiary - or joint venture (representatives of the region). The region's representative is responsible for deploying and distributing the Logistrik environment in the respective region, encouraging the usability of Logistrik and providing technical and legal support, developing relationships with customers and cooperation partners. If you are interested in representing us in some “not yet covered” countries, please contact us.
Fulfillment center
Do you want to offer your services on the global market and expand your customer base?
The sales potential of a warehouse service provider depends on the delivery solution it uses. If the solution is static and the partners are local, then the potential is limited to the local market, as there is no possibility to send goods further. If you use Logistrik's solution, which offers pan-European delivery options, you have all the prerequisites to offer your services in a significantly wider geographical area, because in reality it is not important where the warehouse is physically located in the region, but what is important is the range and speed of delivery. By using Logistrik's solution and being a partner, you can at least offer service in neighboring regions, as Logistrik includes transport companies covering all regions, now and in the future.
Online stores that have adopted Logistrik sooner or later need a fulfillment solution provider to fulfill orders. If you want to be a company that could benefit commercially from their service and be recommended by Logistrik as a potential fulfillment partner, please contact us.
You want to offer your services to online stores and you have need a delivery solution or implement automatic data transfer to better serve customers using Logistrik? By adopting us, you will have the opportunity to expand as a fulfillment center.
Contact us!
What we do?
We automate the ordering of the transport service process.
We create added value for customers, carriers, employees and investors.
We bring together customers and delivery service providers.
The criterion for our success is an efficient process and successful transport service.
We develop processes, software and ourselves.
We are out there for the customer to be served.